Shahrukh Khan Buys 20 Million Pounds Apartment
MUMBAI: In his recent trip to London Bollywood superstar Shahrukh Khan has ended up finally buying the 20 million pounds apartment in Central London in the Park Lane area. It is the highest cost paid by any Bollywood star ever for a property in foreign land.”It is a known fact that the King Khan likes to visit London every year for vacation with his family. He generally stays in the best of the hotels on his visit there, but for past few months he was eyeing an apartment in London’s plush Park Lane area for himself, so that he doesn’t have to stay in hotels every time. After going through many choices both him and wife Gauri ended up liking this particular place. But given its very high cost they took some while to take the final decision. Finally as he went there this time with his kids, even they liked the place a lot and he there and then decided to lock it forever.” our source close to the Bollywood super star reveals.
Incidentally, SRK, apart from owning best star villa in Bollywood, also owns big properties in the UAE.